How We Help

What We Do

Communities In Schools of the Gulf South® provides case management and wrap-around services to students per year. Our case-managed students are the most at-risk students at the schools in which we work. These students may include those who are homeless, living in poverty, have been exposed to trauma, and/or identified as part of a special population. Despite the very real obstacles they face, our case-managed students are succeeding and our staff help empower them to do so.



of our students live below the poverty line and receive free or reduced-price school lunches.
We served


students in Louisiana Parishes in the 2021-2022 school year.

CIS Gulf South provides three tiers of services to the students and families we work with. Tier 1 services are preventative, whereas Tier 2 and Tier 3 services are targeted to groups of students or tailored to meet individual needs.

In each school we serve, CIS Gulf South provides Tier 1 services to at least 75% of the total school population. During the course of the school year, we facilitate four Tier 1 supports and our goal is to reach every student in the school at least once. Examples of Tier 1 services include:

     -Bringing a vision van or dental bus to school for all students to            receive check-ups
     -Hosting Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) literacy events to                       encourage students to read more and  provide free books
     -Providing suicide prevention, bullying prevention, or sexual                health education to the entire school or specific grade levels

Tier 2 and Tier 3 services are for students who have been identified as at higher risk for dropping out of school. At each school we serve CIS identifies the students at the highest risk and case manages these children. We case manage a minimum of 60 students or 10% of the school population, whichever number is greater. Our case-managed students receive Tier 2 and Tier 3 services including:

     -Supporting all homeless students and families
     -Providing groceries for families who are food insecure
     -Weekly social skills groups
     -Individual mental/behavioral health counseling
     -Crisis and behavior interventions

Outcomes & Reports

CIS Gulf South Three-Year Strategic Plan

This plan reaffirms our commitment to excellence and sets ambitious targets to guide our efforts toward more significant outcomes for students and our school communities.


Learn more about Communities In Schools of the Gulf South and review our latest Annual Report by clicking below.

The core work of Communities In Schools of the Gulf South is to provide Integrated Student Supports (ISS) to public school students who are at-risk for dropping out of school, the majority of whom are from low-income households.

In 2022-2023, CIS Site Coordinators provided services to 14,070 students.

While not an exhaustive list, the following graph reflects specific types of services provided by our staff, as well as the total number of hours of each service.


Our ability to fulfill the CIS mission is heavily influenced by our success in attracting funding from numerous sources: local, state and federal funding, businesses, family foundations, civic groups, faith-based organizations, and individuals.

To confirm and inspire confidence that Communities In Schools of the Gulf South is being good stewards of the resources entrusted to us, we offer our most recent IRS Form 990 and most recent independent audit for your review.

In accordance with guidance from the National Council of Nonprofits, the past 3 years of IRS Forms 990 and independent audits will be provided upon request.